LustOcademy by Constanze

The success stories of the graduates of the

Lust Ocademy

Customer testimonials

Don't listen to me,
listen to the success
of my customers!

be the next one

Peter, 34 years

Graduate of the "Passion" mentoring program

Mentoring with Constanze helped me to rekindle the passion in our relationship and to have more and more satisfying sex again.


Michaela, 35 years

It was a great relief for me to tell someone about my "problem".

My relationship has changed a lot for the better after two months. There is so much more that I have learned, apart from the topic of sex.


Stefan, 35 years

Graduate of the "Passion" mentoring program

I have now overcome my frustration and have an honest, passionate and pleasurable connection with my wife again and therefore more sex again.


Tobias, 43 years

Graduate of the "Love" mentoring program

Especially with this intimate topic, it was a compelling reason to understand each other and feel that you are in good hands.(...) All in all, I have become much more relaxed and calmer. I enjoy my life a lot more now because a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders after facing this situation with my wife (no more sex for years!).


Jan, 43 years

Graduate of the "Passion" mentoring program

Constanze is a great coach. I can only recommend her to anyone. Her positive mindset and empathy made me feel very well looked after and understood right from the first meeting.


Verena, 50 years

Graduate of the "Lust" mentoring program

I have found ways to rediscover my lust here. I have also found ways to find myself again.


Steffen, 41 years

Graduate of the "Passion" mentoring program

My goal was to get the passion and connection back into my marriage after almost 16 years of marriage. (...) What I was missing - and this crept in over time - was closeness and connection with my wife.


Niko, 32 years

Graduate of the "Lightness" mentoring program

I had somehow lost the lightness in my sex life and developed pressure to perform which in turn led to erection problems and took the fun and enjoyment out of sex. I always had the feeling that I had to perform...


Torsten, 47 years

Graduate of the "Lightness" mentoring program

After years of sexual rejection from my partner, I started to struggle with erectile dysfunction. I had put myself under too much pressure and my head had made sure that my body no longer wanted what it should have wanted.


Vanessa, 28 years

You have changed our relationship so drastically.

I'm now looking forward to immersing myself even more in the kinky world, WITHOUT any reservations about my body, completely out of abundance and without any stupid thoughts.


Laura, 24 years

I am totally surprised that the coaching with Constanze was able to change so much in me in such a short time.

The tools she gives me help me a lot to see things from a different perspective and to release blockages...


Manuela, mom, 35 years

Sex now has a different significance for us as a couple than just "letting off some pressure", but is nourishing and brings us closer together on a completely different level.


Fabian, 41 years

Through mentoring with Constanze, I have accepted my fetish as a part of me and am finally no longer ashamed of it.


Marius, 30 years

My reason for contacting Constanze was to end my sexual dissatisfaction.

Our sessions have helped me a lot to get to know myself better and to have a fulfilling sex life now.


BjΓΆrn, Dad, 36 years

She helped us to understand each other better

I wanted a lot more attention, also in the form of sex. Overall, we've developed a lot as a couple and have had some exciting experiences together since then ;-)

Graduate of the "Passion" mentoring program


Peter, 34

I'm Peter, 34 years old, a new dad, product developer and, above all, husband to a wonderful wife. And I finally have a fulfilling sex life again that I can enjoy to the full.

After 11 years in a relationship and 3 years of marriage, I always felt more like I was living in a shared flat than in a passionate, sexual relationship with my wife. Everyday life in the relationship was overwhelmingly powerful and meant that there were hardly any passionate moments between us. We were increasingly annoyed with each other and we hardly ever had sex.

The more I tried to have sex with my wife, the less it worked and the more frustrating each further rejection was. Talking about s*x in general, preferences, fantasies or desires with my wife was almost unthinkable. Trips, vacations or the usual gifts, as well as s*xtoy or lingerie shopping together achieved nothing. Even addressing the problems usually ended in discussion, blame, arguments and tears. Even when we did have sex, I felt so driven that I could hardly let myself go or enjoy it. I wanted to have sex more often again, have sex more easily, feel more pleasure from my wife again and really let myself go again.

When I became aware of Constanze via social media, I was initially skeptical as to whether mentoring was the right thing for me or whether it could help at all. I had no experience of mentoring or anything like it and was afraid of investing time and money in something that might not benefit me in the end. I took the opportunity to take part in one of Constanze's free online workshops together with other men. My eyes were opened here. I wasn't alone with my problems - the other participants felt the same way as I did. In a one-to-one conversation with Constanze, I was able to tell her all my concerns... including the fact that my wife was heavily pregnant at the start of the mentoring session and we still had exactly 8 weeks to go until the due date. Constanze was able to dispel all my concerns very quickly thanks to her empathy and friendly nature.

In our calls, Constanze always knew exactly the right questions to ask to make me aware of my own mental blocks. I learned so much about myself through the conversations with her and the small homework assignments and workbooks. The tools I learned in mentoring are not short term symptom fighters but lifelong tools to maintain passion in my marriage and enjoy my love life to the fullest. I have regained so much self-confidence and lightness, can once again fully embrace my preferences, talk about them openly with my partner and really let myself go again.

Outside of our calls, Constanze was always there to give me advice when I had questions and her great, creative ideas often helped me to take the next step. I was already able to experience my first huge success on day 1 of the mentoring. This motivated me so much and confirmed that I had made the right choice in choosing Constanze as my mentor.

In the weeks that followed, I got to know myself again and was able to clearly feel what a huge effect just β€œsmall” changes can have. I now know how important my own feelings and needs are and have learned to consciously listen to them and take care of myself again. My new balance and lightness have so much radiance that I have also noticed so many changes in my partner. In many areas, I was also able to get to know my wife in a completely new way and discovered many new and exciting sides to her.

Mentoring with Constanze helped me to rekindle the passion in our relationship and to have more and more satisfying sex again.

I would recommend working with Constanze to anyone who feels overwhelmed by everyday life in their relationship and misses the passion and infatuation of the initial phase. Anyone who wants to overcome their mental blocks and bring desire, passion and ease back into their relationship. And anyone who wants to lay a new foundation for a future together instead of letting frustration about sexual problems run free.

Constanze, with her open, creative and funny nature, her empathy and her lightness of touch, is the perfect companion for this process and the best decision I could have made to really change something and live the love life I wanted.

Graduate of the "Lust" mentoring program


Michaela, 35

I'm a mom, dog mom, wife and have never had a strong desire to have sex.

My husband, on the other hand, has slightly different needs and the imbalance has become a big problem in our relationship over the years!

That's why I dared to contact Constanze. I had no idea how she could help me to have more desire for sex and intimacy... The free first Zoom meeting with her friendly and positive manner convinced me to embark on the adventure of "Lust" mentoring, despite my concerns about the price and whether it would really help me.

I can already tell you that I have never regretted it! It was a great relief for me to tell someone about my "problem".

Through the great conversations with Constanze and the small homework assignments, as well as the workbooks, we made progress from week to week. I have learned so much about myself. There are so many little things in everyday life that you can pay attention to in order to reconnect with yourself and your partner and maintain this connection.

My relationship has changed a lot for the better after two months. There is so much more that I have learned, apart from the subject of sex. Our sex life has also changed, of course. I'm getting more and more away from "just having sex because my partner wants to" or "it's time again". I've learned to talk about my needs and say what I want and what I need. That helps us both, because good communication with your partner is very important. In general, I also feel better, less stressed and have a positive outlook on the future!

I can only heartily recommend anyone who has a similar problem to contact Constanze and tackle it together with her!

Kind regards Michaela

Graduate of the "Passion" mentoring program


Stefan, 35

My name is Stefan, I am 35 years old, a family man. I have been in a relationship with my wife for 15 years and married for 6 years.

I turned to Constanze because I was dissatisfied and frustrated. We had less and less sex in our marriage because somehow the spark was missing to ignite desire and passion. Sex usually came from me, as my partner showed little or no initiative. I felt rejected and no longer desired. Sometimes I felt more like I was in a shared flat than in a marriage. I really missed the passion, the connection, the lust and the sex with my wife.

I tried a lot of things to reawaken her desire. I bought her new lingerie and new toys. But none of that had the desired effect. Quite the opposite. I put pressure on myself to have sex and not want to have sex. This also put pressure on my partner. I tried to initiate sex more and more often and was rejected more and more, which in turn led to even more frustration. No desire can arise under pressure. It was an insane vicious circle.

I didn't know what to do next. I didn't want to put up with our current love life any longer, so I decided to actively change something. I recognized myself and my situation in many of Constanze's posts and reels, which I have been following on Instagram for a long time. I hoped that they would help me to change something.

I contacted her and described my problems. She quickly understood what the problems were and which program, in my case the "Passion" program, we could use to find a solution together. Naturally, I was unsure and had reservations about coaching. I had never done any coaching before. A lot of questions were running through my head. Does it help me or our relationship? Can I learn anything at all? Is this possible in terms of time? Can I change anything on my own? Nevertheless, I plucked up the courage to give it a try. And I'm very happy about that today.

I have now overcome my frustration and have an honest, passionate and pleasurable connection with my wife again and therefore more sex again. My concerns were put to rest in the very first coaching session. With Constanze's empathetic manner, I felt comfortable and, above all, understood from the very first moment. Constanze gives you that feeling of security right from the start and her positive attitude motivates you to tackle things. Because you have to do that too. Tackle things, be ready for change and be prepared to complete the tasks set and implement what you have learned. The weekly calls in which we discussed the current situation and feelings, as well as the results of the tasks from the workbooks, were a lot of fun. Constanze helped me to change things step by step. She worked out the problems with me and showed me possible solutions.

If I still got stuck, had a question about the tasks or perhaps a little low, Constanze was available to give me advice and, as she always says, correct the course if necessary. I was also able to share my successes with her, which I was happy to do. I have thought and learned a lot about myself during my coaching journey. Today, I have a different perspective on things. Topics that I would never have associated with sexual desire and passion before now play a major role. I have come to know, understand and love myself better. I now speak openly and honestly about my wishes, needs and worries in my relationship. My wife now does the same, because she sees that there is nothing stressful, bad or even shameful about being honest with your partner and confiding in them.

After the second lesson, I could already feel changes in our relationship and our connection to each other. At the time, I could hardly believe that after a short time and with very little change, so much was already happening with us. It was like throwing a pebble into the water. It's so small, but it makes such a big impact. And it's the same here, I changed small things and the effect was gigantic. It was and still is something magical for me. And the magic lasts to this day. I'm much more relaxed these days and no longer put any pressure on myself or my partner. I don't have to have sex. No, I want to have sex. This has made everything much easier and more carefree again. I'm happier and now have the passion and desire that I was missing back. And also the sex.

I can really recommend working with Constanze to anyone who is in the same or a similar situation and wants to actively change it. Even if it is not easy, especially for men, to seek help from others, as it may be seen as a "failure" on their part. That's how I felt at the beginning. But it's worth having the courage to go down this path with Constanze at your side as your coach.

Have the courage to jump over your shadow and put your ego in the corner. Be prepared to change something. You will see that it works. It gives you the tools to change the situation and maintain it in the future.

It was absolutely the right decision to do this coaching and I would do it again and again. But let's hope I don't have to, because now I know how to do it ;-)

Thank you for your wonderful help ;-*

Graduate of the "Passion" mentoring program


Jan, 43

Constanze is a great coach. I can only recommend her to anyone. Her positive mindset and empathy made me feel very well looked after and understood from the very first meeting. Her authentic approach, based on her wealth of experience, and her likeable nature helped me to quickly build up trust in Constanze and to open up completely about even the most intimate topics. The coaching put me on the right path to deeply analyze the needs and behaviors ... to analyze and understand my partner's needs and behaviors in depth, to reflect on myself and thus to bring our relationship and our intimate life to a much higher level and to intensify it.

Thank you very much, Constanze!

Graduate of the "Lust" mentoring program


Verena, 50

I have found ways to rediscover my lust here. I have also found ways to find myself again.

Before I started coaching with Constanze, my desire was rather non-existent. In my marriage, we have sex every day because my husband and I have different needs. For him, daily sex is very important and for me it's a bit too much. This creates different needs that have had a negative effect on my desire, which has reduced my desire more and more.

With the coaching with Constanze, I wanted to work on finding my lust again, regardless of my husband's daily needs. I wasn't sure whether this would work. I also had no idea how Constanze would be able to help me with this.

But I still got off to a positive start, because it's worth a lot to me to be able to enjoy sex again. Through the sessions with Constanze, the depths and really great conversations, I was able to take a lot with me. I learned a lot about myself.

The talks and the workbooks showed me many ways to work on myself in a very easy and pleasant way. With lots of fun and small daily successes, my motivation to keep at it and keep going increased throughout the sessions. I rediscovered some aspects of myself that I had already forgotten.

I have rediscovered my self-confidence and self-awareness. I have learned ways to positively influence my thoughts. I've learned how to deal with my mental blocks. It's just great to talk to someone about all this stuff in such detail and to keep getting new ideas. Every session with Constanze has given me a lot of motivation.

In the meantime, things have also changed in my relationship. I can bring my needs to the fore much better and can communicate much better with my partner. It has helped us both move forward and as a result my desire can develop again and I can enjoy sex.

I can only recommend coaching with Constanze. Almost everyone can develop further in the area of sex, because for many people sex is usually lost in everyday life.

Anyone who wants to live out his or her sex life with pleasure will find inspiration and help here. This coaching is also a huge help for anyone who is stuck in a dead end, as I was. Constanze's manner makes her a competent and really great companion who can capture everything with a great deal of confidence. I am very glad that I did this coaching!

Take the plunge and join in! Because what could be better than a fulfilling love life?

Graduate of the "Passion" mentoring program


Steffen, 41

My goal was to get the passion and connection back into my marriage after almost 16 years of marriage. (...) What I was missing - and this crept in over time - was closeness and connection with my wife. We both lived more or less side by side and got intimate from time to time. My wife's desire and passion were completely gone and togetherness was rare or non-existent.

I wanted to save my marriage and take it to a new level. . I wanted to focus on my wife as a woman and partner and not as a mother. So I found some great ideas from different mentors and finally decided to get in touch with Constanze. (...)

Of course, there are always concerns at the beginning of such a collaboration. Is it the right thing to do? Can I learn something? Will it really help me to change my situation in the long term?

However, these concerns were very quickly dismissed when the coaching started. Right from the start, I felt understood as a person, as an individual. Constanze responded very lovingly and very well to my situation and had an answer for every question. And yes, I had lots of questions.

The coaching was clearly structured and we tackled new topics from week to week. We kept reflecting on how I was doing with the last topic, how I was able to implement it and what progress I had made. In addition to the talks, there was a workbook worth reading on each topic with suggestions and tasks that should definitely be completed. This is the only way to integrate the topic even better. Another plus point for me was the availability of Constanze (...). If I had any problems or questions, I was able to ask them and always got a suitable and useful answer.

I was also able to use this service to share successes. It's all about asking questions, sharing and communicating successes. I always like to add that my wife knew nothing about the coaching and that I only brought love, lust and passion back into my marriage through my actions. After the first coaching sessions, I was able to achieve my first successes. Not only was I able to significantly improve the quality of our togetherness, but the connection and relationship with my wife was raised to a whole new level. The fire, the passion and the attraction were there again. I can only say that the coaching has changed me in every sense of the word.

It not only gave me insights and new knowledge for my relationship with my wife, but was also instructive for the rest of my life. I definitely recommend the coaching. Life is always about making the most of your time together and achieving the best for both parties. A marriage is a partnership, but through this coaching I realized that a positive change in one part of the partnership can carry the other along.

I am leading a lustful and orgasmic life again, my wife has even more intense and passionate moments with me and I am very grateful and happy to have chosen this path.

Graduate of the "Lightness" mentoring program


Niko, 32

I had somehow lost the ease in my sex life and developed pressure to perform, which in turn led to erection problems and took the fun and pleasure out of sex. I always felt like I had to perform and got into a vicious mental circle that I couldn't get out of on my own.

For this reason, I decided to book the lightness coaching and can only say that it was really more than worth it. It was also a lot of work on myself, which involved reflecting on my attitudes and myself. The coaching also went beyond the topic of sex and I have to say that it had a very positive influence on my entire everyday life and therefore also on my sex life.

I can now relax much better and my problems have disappeared. As I said, it was definitely worth it and I am glad to have taken this step and would do it again at any time. :)

Graduate of the "Lightness" mentoring program


Torsten, 47

After years of sexual rejection from my partner, I started to struggle with erectile dysfunction. I had put myself under too much pressure and my head had made sure that my body no longer wanted what it should have wanted.

The coaching with Constanze gave me a lot of food for thought that helped me clear my head and see sex for what it is again - the most beautiful thing in the world.

I was unsure if my sexual failure was my fault and coming from me and I wasn't sure what I could do about it:

  • Huge uncertainty
  • Fear of becoming intimate with a woman and then failing
  • I put myself under a lot of pressure
  • Rejections from my wife have disappointed me and gnawed away at my self-worth
  • I always thought I wasn't good enough, not attractive enough

I found it particularly helpful that Constanze also responded very dynamically to changing situations and always had tips and valuable advice at the ready. (...) By working out the workbooks, I inevitably had to or was allowed to deal with myself, my body and my mindset. This helped me a lot to understand and accept many things and to listen to my body better. (...) I now know how important open, clear and honest communication is. I have found clarity and security here. I can deal with rejection much better now - it no longer disappoints and hurts me. At first I was a little skeptical as to whether it would really work. But I was pleasantly surprised.

Constanze responds very emphatically to individual life situations and is also very flexible when there are changes or progress. She quickly recognizes what the actual problem is and has a solution to every problem. In short: it was exactly the right decision to do the mentoring with Constanze and I can only warmly recommend it.

Goal: Accepting your own body and entering the world of kink


Vanessa, 28

Dear Constanze, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your mega coaching quickie!

It's just so amazing what we've achieved in such a short space of time, considering all the worries and concerns I had about my body.

But you approached this topic with me in a cool way and especially the part about acting out of abundance and not when I or he is needy was mega mindblowing for us. Your tasks were so insightful and that's why the communication between us is now on a completely different level and I would never have thought that I could let myself go like that during sex.

When you think that it all happened in such a SHORT time - CRANK! I am now looking forward to immersing myself even more in the kinky world, WITHOUT any concerns about my body, completely out of abundance and without any stupid thoughts.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, dear Constanze. You have changed our relationship so drastically.

Goal: Back to pleasure as a mom


Manuela, mom, 35

After our coaching sessions, a huge amount has changed (...) I have taken away and implemented the insights I gained:

Just because I'm a mom doesn't mean I can't be a hot lover. After our conversation, I've come into my feminine energy much more often and, most importantly, much more easily.

Especially as a mom, you're usually busy doing and thinking about everything, which is so unattractive for your partner and your sex life.

The other thing has already caused a huge shift in our partnership: masturbation. Until now, it was an incredibly taboo subject, full of shame and fear and even worse, these unspoken expectations such as "my body is yours from now on, you take care of me".

This has led to several long conversations with my partner and we can talk about it much more openly, try out more ourselves now and discover each other on a whole new level.

If I had known how much you could do for our partnership and our sex life, I would have taken advantage of it much sooner. Thank you so much for your wonderful impulses, ideas and suggestions! I'm already looking forward to the next sessions.

Goal: Dealing with fetish


Fabian, 41

Through mentoring with Constanze, I have accepted my fetish as a part of me and am finally no longer ashamed of it.

I love it when women have long fingernails. I think it's beautiful and it gives me confidence when I can feel them on my skin. Before I started mentoring with Constanze, my fetish controlled and influenced me a lot. Due to rejections and comments in the past, I started to feel ashamed of it over time. I felt extremely uncomfortable talking about it every time I had a girlfriend. This gradually started to damage my ego and I became more and more insecure. I dealt with it for a long time and also tried hypnosis to reduce my desire for it. But it was all just a temporary solution. In the end, I just looked out for and approached women who had long fingernails, which of course wasn't satisfactory either as it restricted me enormously. When I heard that there was such a coaching program, I immediately got in touch. I knew that it could be difficult and I also expected that it might be unpleasant. (...) But I also assumed that a mentoring session like this would be run by a professional and that gave me the confidence to give it a go and take on the challenge. Before the calls with Constanze, I was insecure and at the same time quite strict with myself. Because we were able to talk very openly with each other in a relaxed and warm atmosphere, my insecurity and doubts were blown away at the end of the first call. In the following calls we analyzed my fetish, found out the reasons for it and were able to determine why I behave the way I do. By the 4th call (I think) we already had a breakthrough. Through the exercises and homework she gave me, I was able to discover new paths to pleasure and gradually shed my blinkers, which had made me focus only on women with long fingernails.

After some of the calls, my head was rattling and I couldn't stop thinking about what we were discussing. Although I'm pretty good at self-reflection, we went deeper together than I ever could on my own. I've learned to stop being so hard on myself, to like myself (even with the things I don't like so much) and to talk about my fetish... openly! That was an impossibility for me before! I came to terms with myself and other people noticed that I had a different charisma. (...)

Of course I would recommend the coaching to others! I myself had agreed to it faster than I could think.

Then came the first doubts. Not whether it was the right thing to do, but whether it could be unpleasant for me, or whether she might even judge me in the same way as the others back then.

Fortunately, my doubts were unfounded. She is a real professional, understanding, warm- hearted, relaxed and empathetic. At the same time, she also asks very good questions and often follows up to get to the bottom of things. But without ever breaking the familiar atmosphere that surrounds the call, which could have made me feel uncomfortable. The time often flew by and I was even looking forward to the next call. Now that I'm no longer so focused on women with long fingernails, it's as if the world has become a bigger place.

Goal: Improve steadfastness


Marius, 30

My name is Marius and I am married. My reason for contacting Constanze was to end the dissatisfaction of my sexuality. I was suffering from the fact that I was struggling with the firmness of my penis and it wasn't working the way I wanted and imagined.

Of course I had reservations about contacting Constanze because I had never done anything like this before and had never sought help in matters of sexuality. It's a very intimate subject.

But after the first call with her, she allayed my concerns and fears. Her easy-going nature and manner as a person are simply incredible. It's very rare to find a woman as likeable as her.

We went through everything step by step. She had physical exercises and also a lot of interesting facts about the male body and penis. Our sessions really helped me to get to know myself better and now have a more fulfilling sex life.

For anyone who chooses them and their help, there is only one thing to say. Problem solving is not a sprint, but a marathon and that takes time. And she takes her time. Thank you for everything, dear Constanze.

Let's get in touch

15 minutes
1 : 1

In a first short phone call we will get to know each other free of charge and without obligation and discuss together which steps will lead you to a pleasurable love life.

You will be redirected to Calendly. Select the date that suits you.