LustOcademy by Constanze
Hi I'm Constanze

Hi I'm Constanze
your Lust Mentor

Lust Mentor & Coach
Former Managing Director
Kink lover
loving mom
Everyone deserves the best in bed and the best in life.

My story

The Kink World

I've been involved in the kink and fetish scene for years and what I experience there is a world of its own

A world in which sex is treated positively, lightly, tolerantly and full of respect and openness.

Every time I left a kinky party, for example, I felt like I was returning to a sex-anxious, sex- frustrated and shame-ridden, taboo society in which sex is heavy and associated with a lot of effort and negative beliefs. Every time I thought, you have to change that and I've been doing it ever since.

Tabu Thema

Taboo topic

I also thought for a long time that sex was a taboo subject that people didn't talk about. And I nodded in agreement when others said "Well, sex isn't that important now".

But the truth is that I have a side that defines me, that accompanies my joie de vivre, that gives me energy, that is part of my vitality - concealed, shamefully hidden, suppressed, because the girl in me had learned: "That's not proper!".

But that is not true.

Lust, pleasure and sexuality belong to us. In their combination and fusion, lust and our male and female energies are pure passion and vitality and can easily lead to more love.

Jetzt richtig Leben

It is the only RIGHT thing in life:

To be yourself, to be true to yourself, to your own preferences and to your own lust and pleasure. No longer living your own desire in secret because society might say "you don't do that" or because someone might think something is wrong.

The truth is...

...both, men and women, want a liberated, authentic and pleasurable sexuality, including all their preferences, fetishes and fantasies.

The kink world is nothing "dirty or obscene" as society likes to suggest. On the contrary, it is a pool of opportunities for genuine connections based on tolerance, respect, trust, authenticity, devotion, desire, lust, longing and ecstasy.

It is about living your own lustful femininity or masculinity CONSCIOUSLY, treating your own body with SELF-LOVE and getting what you want for your life through SELF-SECURITY.

My wish

I wish for all the wonderful people who have yet to let their light fully shine, that their lust and pleasure will also ignite their self-confidence, self-esteem and self-love. You deserve it, because you are incredibly beautiful, desirable, sexy and lovable.

And every single one of you deserves the best in bed and the best in life.

My vision

One world, ... which sex is easy for people again, in which they can freely deal with their sexual inclinations and preferences and live them freely. which the magic of the connection to yourself and your partner can be felt.

...where they can love and enjoy their own pleasure, free from social taboos and shame. which open communication about desire and needs is possible.

My mission

I am committed to helping people learn the power of pleasure and use it to live their sexuality in a positive and fulfilling way.

I support people to consciously use their sexual energies to establish a deeper connection to themselves and their partners and to communicate better.

I encourage people to embrace their sexual identity and live it out freely without fear of stigmatization or discrimination.

By providing information, education and support, I am helping to ensure that sex is once again seen as a natural and positive part of life.

My coaching philosophy

I'm not going to save you.
You are not helpless.
I will not fix you.
You are not broken.
I will not heal you.
I will see you in your wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness and remind you of your light.

Inspired by a prayer of a medicine woman
(von Sheree Bliss Tilsley)

Get coaching now

Let's get in touch

15 minutes
1 : 1

In a first short phone call we will get to know each other free of charge and without obligation and discuss together which steps will lead you to a pleasurable love life.

You will be redirected to Calendly. Select the date that suits you.

Fancy more?

Then follow me on Instagram, YouTube and more!

(Just click on the respective icon and you will be taken directly to my channel).


My community for stylish eroticism

I can now also be found in JOYclub!

Do you have a specific question?

I am always happy to help. If you have any questions or uncertainties, for example whether coaching could be something for you, please feel free to contact me.

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